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HomeNewsIMPACT WRESTLING: Risultati Impact Wrestling 08-02-2019

IMPACT WRESTLING: Risultati Impact Wrestling 08-02-2019

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Amici di Spazio Wrestling, ben ritrovati con una nuova puntata di Impact Wrestling. Di seguito, vi proponiamo i risultati dello show:

Rich Swann & Willie Mack vs oVe

Vincitori: Rich Swann & Willie Mack

Dark Allie (with Su Yung) vs Kiera Hogan (with Jordynne Grace)

Vincitrice: Kiera Hogan (with Jordynne Grace)

Rohit Raju (with The Desi Hit Squad) vs Trey Miguel (with The Rascalz)

Vincitore: Trey Miguel (with The Rascalz)

Sami Callihan vs Puma King

Vincitore: Sami Callihan

Tag Team match for the Impact World Tag Team Championship: LAX (c) vs The Lucha Bros

Vincitori e nuovi campioni: The Lucha Bros
