IMPACT WRESTLING: Risultati Turning Point 2021

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Di seguito i risultati di Turning Point 2021, evento di Impact Wrestling:

-David Finlay & Juice Robinson hanno sconfitto Raj Singh & Rohit Raju;

-Impact Digital Media Championship Match: Jordynne Grace (c) ha sconfitto Chelsea Green;

-Chris Sabin ha sconfitto Ace Austin;

-Violent By Design hanno sconfitto Heath & Rhino;

-Rich Swann ha sconfitto VSK;

-W. Morrisey ha sconfitto Matt Cardona;

-Knockouts Tag Team Championship Match: The Iinspiration (c) hanno sconfitto Decay;

-Knockouts Championship Match: Mickie James (c) ha sconfitto Mercedes Martinez;

-Impact X Division Championship: Trey Miguel (c) ha sconfitto Laredo Kid and Steve Maclin in a triple threat match;

– Impact Tag Team Championship Good Brothers (Doc Gallows  e Karl Anderson) (c)  hanno socnfitto Bullet Club (Chris Bey and El Phantasmo);

Impact World Championship Full Metal Mayhem Match: Moose (c) def. Eddie Edwards.

Scritto da Angelo Sorbello
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