IMPACT WRESTLING: Card aggiornata (1 aprile) Rebellion 2022

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Ecco di seguito la card aggiornata di Rebellion il PPV di Impact Wrestling in programma nella notte tra sabato 23 e domenica 24 aprile al Mid-Hudson Civic Center in Poughkeepsie, New York:

-Impact World Title Match: Josh Alexander vs. Moose (c);

-Triple Threat for the Impact X Division Title: Ace Austin vs. Mike Bailey vs. Trey Miguel (c);

-Eight-Team Elimination Challenge for the Impact World Tag Team Titles: The Good Brothers vs. The Motor City Machine Guns vs. The Decay vs. Willie Mack and Rich Swann vs. Rhino and Heath vs. Jay White and Chris Bey vs. Honor No More vs. Violent By Design (c);

-ROH World Champion Jonathan Gresham vs. Eddie Edwards;


Scritto da Angelo Sorbello
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