sabato, Luglio 27, 2024
HomeNewsTop 10 match di Summerslam

Top 10 match di Summerslam

Su è uscita una TOP 10 sui Match che hanno attirato maggior interesse e attenzione mediatica nella storia di SummerSlam:
10 – Universal Championship: Finn Bálor vs Seth Rollins (SummerSlam 2016)
9 – World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber Match: Triple H vs Goldberg vs Chris Jericho vs Shawn Michaels vs Randy Orton vs Kevin Nash (SummerSlam 2003)
8 – Unsanctioned Match: Shawn Michaels vs Triple H (SummerSlam 2002)
7 – WWE Championship: John Cena vs Daniel Bryan (SummerSlam 2013)
6 – WWF Tag Team Championship TLC Match: Edge & Christian vs Hardy Boyz vs Dudley Boyz (SummerSlam 2000)
5 – Team WWE vs Team Nexus (SummerSlam 2010)
4 – No Disqualification Match: Brock Lesnar vs Triple H (SummerSlam 2012)
3 – WWF Championship: “Stone Cold” Steve Austin vs The Undertaker (SummerSlam 1998)
2 – First Time Ever: Batista vs John Cena (SummerSlam 2008)
1 – Brock Lesnar vs The Undertaker (SummerSlam 2015)