WWE BREAKING NEWS: Rilasciati Kurt Angle e molte altre Superstars
Continua l’ondata di rilasci in casa WWE che ha incredibilmente toccato anche Kurt Angle. Ecco tutti i nuovi rilasciati da qualche minuto:
-Aiden English
-Billy Kidman
-Fit Finlay
-Pat Buck
-Shane Helms
-Shawn Daivari
-Mike Rotunda
-Scott Armstrong
-Sarah Stock
BREAKING: WWE has come to terms on the release of Drake Maverick (James Curtin), Curt Hawkins (Brian Myers), Karl Anderson (Chad Allegra), EC3 (Michael Hutter) and Lio Rush (Lionel Green). We wish them all the best in their future endeavors. https://t.co/cX449nNSLU
— WWE (@WWE) April 15, 2020
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