WWE: Matt Riddle accusato di violenza sessuale!

Qualche ora fa, su Twitter, Matt Riddle ha ricevuto pesanti accuse da una collega, Candy Cartwright.
Quest’ultima ha scritto che solo ora ha realizzato quanto fosse sbagliato ciò che ha subito, quindi ha deciso di raccontarlo: due anni fa stava viaggiando insieme ad alcuni wrestler: quando tre di loro si addormentano, Riddle le chiese di saltare su di lui e, quando lei si rifiutò, lui la afferrò e tentò di forzarla e, alla fine, lei ha dovuto praticargli del sesso orale. Candy ha chiuso dicendo di essersi sentita molto umiliata e che è sempre sbagliato mettere le mani su una donna, specialmente se lei non è d’accordo.
I’m posting this because I have been so sad for so long. I didn’t realize that what he did to me was not ok. I realize now, reading these other brave women’s stories, that I can’t be afraid anymore and I have to #speakout
— Candy Cartwright (@CandyCartwright) June 19, 2020
Back in May of 2018 I was riding with Matt Riddle and a few other wrestlers. During the van ride, when the 3 other wrestlers had fallen asleep, Matt asked me to “hop on his dick”. When I refused (although we had previously been together I was
— Candy Cartwright (@CandyCartwright) June 19, 2020
incredibly uncomfortable in that setting ) When I said no, he grabbed me by my throat, choked me and said “what if I just made you?” I ended up giving him oral sex (praying someone wouldn’t wake up) to get out of having intercourse with him. It was incredibly humiliating.
— Candy Cartwright (@CandyCartwright) June 19, 2020
It is never ok to put your hands on a woman, it’s also not ok to not listen when she says no.
— Candy Cartwright (@CandyCartwright) June 19, 2020