AEW: Annunciato un nuovo match per Double or Nothing 2021

Double or Nothing
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La AEW ha annunciato un nuovo incontro per Double or Nothing 2021.

Durante il pre-show, Serena Deeb difenderà il titolo femminile NWA contro Riho. L’evento si terrà tra la notte di domenica 30 e lunedì 31 giugno.

Di seguito la card di Double or Nothing:

AEW World Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Match:
Kenny Omega (champion) vs. PAC vs. Orange Cassidy

AEW Women’s Championship Match:
Hikaru Shida (champion) vs. Dr. Britt Baker

“The American Dream” Cody Rhodes vs. Anthony Ogogo

Adam Page vs. FTW Champion Brian Cage

Stadium Stampede:
The Inner Circle vs. The Pinnacle

TNT Championship Match:
Miro (champion) vs. Lance Archer

AEW Tag Team Championship Match:
The Young Bucks (champions) vs. Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston

Sting and Darby Allin vs. Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky

Casino Battle Royale for a future world title shot:
Griff Garrison, Brian Pillman, 10, Stu Grayson, Nick Comoroto, QT Marshall, Lee Johnson, Dustin Rhodes, Anthony Bowens, Max Caster, Penta El Zero Miedo, Isiah Kassidy, Marq Quen, Matt Sydal, Christian Cage, Matt Hardy, Powerhouse Hobbs, Evil Uno, Colt Cabana, Jungle Boy, mystery participant

NWA Women’s Title Match (Pre-Show):
Serena Deeb (champion) vs. Riho


Scritto da Marco Macrì
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